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Akari or Shiori to win
Dec 11, 2022 1:31 PM
Sep 2021
Making this poll to see if anyone is actually routing for Shiori. I doubt it but I’m kind of curious to see if and how many people are. If you are, I’d like to know why. Both are cute but personally it’s Akari all the way for me! Let’s have some fun and discuss the show!
Pages (2) [1] 2 »
Dec 11, 2022 1:36 PM
Sep 2021
By the way I'm not asking who you think will win cause its obviously going to be Akari.. I'd be amazed if it wasn't but I just wanna know if you prefer Shiori and why?

Feel free to post your reasoning for Akari aswell!
Dec 11, 2022 1:41 PM

Oct 2020
Shiori’s like an Onodera new gen version, no chance she’s better than Akari
zhennncDec 12, 2022 8:04 AM

Dec 11, 2022 1:41 PM
Feb 2019
I love Akari so I’m not going against her, and think she probably will win in the end, but I like Shiori a little more
I’m team Shiori because I like that she’s more reserved with her appearance & body and isn’t all lovey - dovey/ relationship obsessed, or the type to crave attention. I like that she values the genuine friendship she had with Jiro, & I like that she naturally values connection over looks
she’s also extremely physically attractive in her own right, moreso than I thought initially 😂
Dec 11, 2022 1:43 PM
Feb 2021

but altho i understand they cant just let her say to jiro she loves him because then the entire show will be pretty much over but at the same time i do feel like jiro been too much dense for an mc and my biggest concern is that this show gonna end without anyone knowing how the other one feels, i personally dont like when shows get an ending like that but only because 90% of the time this kind of shows dont get another season which make the whole ending and who ends up with who or how the confession goes only known to the manga readers and i said to myself after reading domestic girlfriend i never gonna read another manga in my life.
Dec 11, 2022 1:45 PM
Sep 2021
dylpickles said:
I love Akari so I’m not going against her, and think she probably will win in the end, but I like Shiori a little more
I’m team Shiori because I like that she’s more reserved with her appearance & body and isn’t all lovey - dovey/ relationship obsessed, or the type to crave attention. I like that she values the genuine friendship she had with Jiro, & I like that she naturally values connection over looks
she’s also extremely physically attractive in her own right, moreso than I thought initially 😂

honestly although I'm team Akari, I do agree with your view point! I love the fact that they've been childhood friends for a very long time and I find that aspect very cute. It should've happened sooner for them in retrospect. But maybe he will be happier with Akari. Everything happens for a reason:)
Dec 11, 2022 1:46 PM
Sep 2021
__MoRaX__ said:

but altho i understand they cant just let her say to jiro she loves him because then the entire show will be pretty much over but at the same time i do feel like jiro been too much dense for an mc and my biggest concern is that this show gonna end without anyone knowing how the other one feels, i personally dont like when shows get an ending like that but only because 90% of the time this kind of shows dont get another season which make the whole ending and who ends up with who or how the confession goes only known to the manga readers and i said to myself after reading domestic girlfriend i never gonna read another manga in my life.

ah yes I would be VERY disappointed in a stalemate. I haven't read the manga so idk but hopefully we get an adequate resolution
Dec 11, 2022 1:59 PM
Jan 2021
I want it to be Akari but at the same time Jiro and Shiori feels more logical,
After all they are childhood friends and they both have feelings for each other and only didn't end up together because of a misunderstanding (or you can say shiori didn't feel like that at the time)

Regardless I'd be pretty pissed if they make him choose shiori, or jiro accepts Akari but shiori is left heartbroken both instances are bad.

I want it to end like jiro accepts Akari and shiori finds another love interest.
Dec 11, 2022 1:59 PM

Jun 2021
I hate them both tbh
Dec 11, 2022 2:09 PM

Jul 2015
Bro, you forgot the #1 rule of every harem/romcom anime which clearly says:
Childhood friend always loses.

Dec 11, 2022 2:16 PM

Jul 2015
Oonly2genders said:
Piromysl said:
Bro, you forgot the #1 rule of every harem/romcom anime which clearly says:

And then there is yotsuba
Short hair
Promised girl
Not first girl introduced
Childhood friend
Not a tsundere

All quintuplets were childhood friends, so it doesn't apply.
Also in Quintuplets we don't know since episode 1 who is going to win, which makes it so good.

Dec 11, 2022 2:16 PM
Apr 2021
Im more attracted to Shiori type of women but in this particular story,i might make an exception
Dec 11, 2022 2:29 PM
Sep 2021
Piromysl said:
Bro, you forgot the #1 rule of every harem/romcom anime which clearly says:
Childhood friend always loses.

Yeah that wasn’t my question dude. I asked who people were routing for regardless of if they are sure of the outcome. It’s obvious that Akari is going to win but my question was why people support Shiori if they do support her
Dec 11, 2022 2:31 PM

Jul 2015
Fenyy said:
Piromysl said:
Bro, you forgot the #1 rule of every harem/romcom anime which clearly says:

Yeah that wasn’t my question dude. I asked who people were routing for regardless of if they are sure of the outcome. It’s obvious that Akari is going to win but my question was why people support Shiori if they do support her

Even author is rooting for Akari because he obviously tailors the story in her favour abs Shiori is just a fifth wheel. There is nothing to discuss here.

Dec 11, 2022 2:34 PM
Sep 2021
Piromysl said:
Fenyy said:

Yeah that wasn’t my question dude. I asked who people were routing for regardless of if they are sure of the outcome. It’s obvious that Akari is going to win but my question was why people support Shiori if they do support her

Even author is rooting for Akari because he obviously tailors the story in her favour abs Shiori is just a fifth wheel. There is nothing to discuss here.

Clearly there is if you’d read the comments above. Lots of people like Shiori over Akari. Obviously not as many but people have answered my question about them liking Shiori over Akari which is what I was interested in finding out, which I have. So it’s not a wasted discussion because a few people have a different opinion which is what I was curious about.

I didn’t ask what’s obvious I asked why people support Shiori and I got adequate responses
Dec 11, 2022 2:41 PM
Feb 2021

Dec 11, 2022 4:21 PM

Jul 2021
team akari ♡ no matter what >< she's really adorable
Dec 11, 2022 4:30 PM
Jan 2022
Shiori is a lovely girl but ends there. I understand Jiro liking her bc she is the girl that he grow up with, so as she is the girl that he had more contact he developed a crush on her but when he get the chance to really knows more girls ( Akari) besides the videogames ones, I think he will get to know that he loves is not a love, it was just a crush.
Other side Akari is lovely too, but also funny, friendly, cool, cute asf and sincere wt her felling
Dec 11, 2022 5:08 PM
Oct 2022
Akari easily dude
Dec 11, 2022 5:23 PM
Jun 2022
zhennnc said:
Shiori’s like a Onodera new gen version, no chance she’s better than Akari

Exactly what I think
Dec 11, 2022 6:19 PM
Aug 2022
Akari all the way shiori is just the bland pure childhood friend troupe you see in every romance at least Akari got a personality

Good anime tho
Dec 11, 2022 7:03 PM
May 2015
zhennnc said:
Shiori’s like a Onodera new gen version, no chance she’s better than Akari

That’s exactly it! Even the voice sounds similar!
Dec 11, 2022 7:15 PM
Aug 2015
zhennnc said:
Shiori’s like a Onodera new gen version, no chance she’s better than Akari

I think the comparison to Nisekoi is pretty obvious, but with that series, I was rooting for Onodera since she seemed like a more realistic character—cute, wholesome, caring, etc.—as compared to a tsundere archetype (now I know they’re both archetypes though).

While Shiori is more well-developed than Onodera, I think Akari is more developed than all of them combined. Akari’s development and her growth to love Jiro due to the predicament they’ve been in feels authentic and the internal struggles they face feel real. Akari and Jiro aren’t initially perfect for each other and even actively like other people. But it seems like they are willing to overcome these hurdles that typical couples face together to make their relationship last. Idk where the quote came from, but I found it resonant:

“A long lasting relationship doesn’t come from the initial spark of love or an absence of issues in the relationship, but a mutual bond and attempt to connect and overcome any issues that may arise.”
Dec 11, 2022 7:45 PM

Apr 2021
Well the show has …

1. the shy innocent childhood friend, who knows MC is a good guy, secretly loves him, but too nervous to tell him


2. the outwardly popular confident open teasing hot girl in school, but really a sweet innocent girl on the inside, who thought MC was a loser, but after learning about him, she falls for him

In this situation the more aggressive popular girl is going to win, so that’s why the shy girl’s friend has been pushing her to be more aggressive and open about her feelings for the MC.

I like both girls, but Akari has my heart at the moment.
Note: I don’t lazily watch 3-5 episodes, biasedly compare to other anime, or unfairly judge by surface level similarities. With every anime I start, I watch the entire series, both Japanese Sub & English Dub, then judge each anime based on what they present, to give an honest and fair rating.

Dec 11, 2022 9:04 PM

Jul 2015
Fenyy said:
Piromysl said:

Even author is rooting for Akari because he obviously tailors the story in her favour abs Shiori is just a fifth wheel. There is nothing to discuss here.

Clearly there is if you’d read the comments above. Lots of people like Shiori over Akari. Obviously not as many but people have answered my question about them liking Shiori over Akari which is what I was interested in finding out, which I have. So it’s not a wasted discussion because a few people have a different opinion which is what I was curious about.

I didn’t ask what’s obvious I asked why people support Shiori and I got adequate responses

One or two guys having a shit taste and barely being able to elaborate doesn't really cut it.
You should just take a look at the poll, which is pretty much one sided.

Dec 11, 2022 9:20 PM
Aug 2022
To be honest I want Shiori to be Happy.
so you know my answer
Dec 11, 2022 9:52 PM
Oct 2021
Shiori tbh, something about her character I just like more. Tho I like Akari as well.
Dec 11, 2022 10:04 PM
Aug 2020
__MoRaX__ said:

but altho i understand they cant just let her say to jiro she loves him because then the entire show will be pretty much over but at the same time i do feel like jiro been too much dense for an mc and my biggest concern is that this show gonna end without anyone knowing how the other one feels, i personally dont like when shows get an ending like that but only because 90% of the time this kind of shows dont get another season which make the whole ending and who ends up with who or how the confession goes only known to the manga readers and i said to myself after reading domestic girlfriend i never gonna read another manga in my life.

*no direct spoilers*
The relationship has developed between the three character in the manga with regards to the situation and we’re now in the second half of the school year. With the progression, and some regression, thus far we shouldn’t end up with no one realizing the feelings of everyone else involved. I’m sure the manga will end with them graduating and having a clear cut finale
Dec 11, 2022 10:09 PM
Feb 2021
JacobCluff said:
__MoRaX__ said:

but altho i understand they cant just let her say to jiro she loves him because then the entire show will be pretty much over but at the same time i do feel like jiro been too much dense for an mc and my biggest concern is that this show gonna end without anyone knowing how the other one feels, i personally dont like when shows get an ending like that but only because 90% of the time this kind of shows dont get another season which make the whole ending and who ends up with who or how the confession goes only known to the manga readers and i said to myself after reading domestic girlfriend i never gonna read another manga in my life.

*no direct spoilers*
The relationship has developed between the three character in the manga with regards to the situation and we’re now in the second half of the school year. With the progression, and some regression, thus far we shouldn’t end up with no one realizing the feelings of everyone else involved. I’m sure the manga will end with them graduating and having a clear cut finale

when u said the last sentence it sounded like the manga isnt finish yet. is that the case? and btw i dont mind spoilers if possible and the manga did end can ya tell me who he ended up with?

i know its strange but i prefer watching animes with happy endings instead of watching the whole thing just to have a sad ending or kinda sad ending, after domestic girlfriend i just prefer to be this way xd
Dec 11, 2022 10:30 PM
Jul 2022
How many times y'all are gonna ask this same question man.
Dec 12, 2022 12:32 AM
Apr 2021
zhennnc said:
Shiori’s like a Onodera new gen version, no chance she’s better than Akari

That is so true, funny cause I’m on team Akari but I was on team onodera
Dec 12, 2022 6:53 AM
Jun 2016
And here I thought I was the only Shiori supporter in all of existence.

I know it's pretty much a forgone conclusion that Akari will win. She's the poster girl and her development with Jiro is really fun to watch. Can't even argue it because that's where most of the appeal of this show lies.

Regardless I've always had a soft spot for shy nice girls so this is just another ship I'll go down with. o7

Edit: Something kinda funny that I noticed: even though Akari wins this poll by a landslide, Shiori actually has more favourites on the the MAL anime page xD
dqtl74Dec 12, 2022 6:57 AM
Dec 12, 2022 11:09 AM
Nov 2022
I think shiori is better and is wife material she’s definitely the one you’d wanna marry but I’m rooting for akari because jirou has already has had many first times with akari and it would feel wrong if jirou and shiori end up together.

The scene where she asked for a kiss from jirou pissed me off I wished they never kissed it would’ve been better. That made me feel like shiori is a third wheel.
Dec 13, 2022 2:29 AM
Jul 2021
Fenyy said:
Making this poll to see if anyone is actually routing for Shiori. I doubt it but I’m kind of curious to see if and how many people are. If you are, I’d like to know why. Both are cute but personally it’s Akari all the way for me! Let’s have some fun and discuss the show!

meant to put akari but missclicked, but ye akari shiori is hella annoying
Dec 13, 2022 7:01 AM

Apr 2011

But I prefer both.
Dec 14, 2022 6:26 PM
Jan 2022
Piromysl said:
Oonly2genders said:

And then there is yotsuba
Short hair
Promised girl
Not first girl introduced
Childhood friend
Not a tsundere

All quintuplets were childhood friends, so it doesn't apply.
Also in Quintuplets we don't know since episode 1 who is going to win, which makes it so good.

Well technically the one ones futaro met was Yotsuba and Itsuki when they were kids
Dec 18, 2022 1:00 PM
May 2022
Fenyy said:
Piromysl said:

Even author is rooting for Akari because he obviously tailors the story in her favour abs Shiori is just a fifth wheel. There is nothing to discuss here.

Clearly there is if you’d read the comments above. Lots of people like Shiori over Akari. Obviously not as many but people have answered my question about them liking Shiori over Akari which is what I was interested in finding out, which I have. So it’s not a wasted discussion because a few people have a different opinion which is what I was curious about.

I didn’t ask what’s obvious I asked why people support Shiori and I got adequate responses

You did see some messages for Shiori support because of her personality hardly any girl in real world be like her, but as for this story polls do show akari fan base, that is akari's personality being unique and its negative positive attraction that makes her better match for jiro than Shiori. It just intuition that jiro and Shiori are too boring of a pair.
Dec 18, 2022 1:13 PM
Oct 2013
Can i choose both?
Dec 18, 2022 3:26 PM

Sep 2018
Eh, I like the relationship dynamics between Akari and Jiro far more than Shiori and Jiro. Screw the childhood friend trope.
Dec 18, 2022 6:32 PM
Feb 2021
Wasn't this question ask for the billionth time? Also look back at the manga volumes' cover. It's clear as daylight. Cliffhanger of latest episode is an expected twist that it shouldn't surprise you. Somehow Jirou will run towards Akari at an unexpected expected moment.
Dec 19, 2022 6:29 AM
Sep 2021
RKThePartWriter said:
Wasn't this question ask for the billionth time? Also look back at the manga volumes' cover. It's clear as daylight. Cliffhanger of latest episode is an expected twist that it shouldn't surprise you. Somehow Jirou will run towards Akari at an unexpected expected moment.

my question wasn't who is gonna win, my question was who do you want to win. I've stated that many times this thread cause people can't read my first message for some reason even though its literally the first message so idk how you miss interpreted my thread 🤷‍♂️

this poll was to see who actually wanted who to win not who they thought would win as its obviously Akari but again, that's not what this thread is about lol. it's to see how diverse the love for Akari and Shiori is which you would've known if you'd actually read the thread before commenting but hey ho
FenyyDec 19, 2022 6:36 AM
Dec 19, 2022 8:16 AM
Apr 2022
I just feel like Akari and jiro have spent more time together on a deeper level so to whereas shiori and jiro were only childhood friends.
Dec 19, 2022 8:24 AM
Jul 2018
I'm in team Shiori...but I know she don't have chance 🥲🗿 I kinda love her shy character & she's cute too 🥲❤️❤️
Dec 22, 2022 4:29 AM

Oct 2010
I like Shiori, but Akari just has more charisma. I don't like characters who constantly have trouble coming out of their shells. That's Shiori for me, unfortunately.
Dec 22, 2022 12:23 PM

Jun 2019
Shiori can suck my balls. Fucking hate her. Akari x Jirou for life. Plus, I root for Minami and hope he finds someone better than all of them. He's a great dude.
Dec 23, 2022 6:22 AM

Sep 2017
zhennnc said:
Shiori’s like an Onodera new gen version, no chance she’s better than Akari
But that would automatically make her better than Akari
Dec 23, 2022 8:50 PM
Oct 2022
Landslide vote for akari
Dec 24, 2022 1:27 PM
Sep 2021
ImRigel said:
Landslide vote for akari

Oh for sure. I was still surprised by how many voted for Shiori though. I wasn’t expecting more than 5% but 15% voted for her which surprised me but then again, that’s why I made this poll. I was hoping to be surprised.

I like both characters but ultimately I’m rooting for Akari of course
Dec 25, 2022 9:44 AM
Sep 2021
Welp after the final episode of season 1.. I hope that there’s a season 2 at least cause it can’t just end like that :/
Dec 25, 2022 10:15 AM
May 2020
Shiori all the way. She doesn't stand a chance but she deserves it. There's a lot of latent awkwardness between Shiori and Jirou but they work much better as a pair. Shiori is lacking a bit in personality but she has better chemistry and logical reasoning to be with Jirou. Akari feels fake and manipulative to me. Some of that comes from her trying to overcome her weaknesses a little too much, which while being very understandable and natural, is annoying. I don't like the way she seemingly deliberately toys with Jirou and constantly gives him mixed feelings and then doesn't even show remorse or understand what she's done. She's fun and a decent person but she does not work with Jirou whatsoever and is basically just eye candy.

But honestly the OTP is Shiori and Mei (which leaves Minami with Jirou... oh no)
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