ASMR | Swatching and Sorting 100 Markers by Color

  • Опубликовано: 25 мар 2025
  • OH YES this was SO SATISFYING !!!!!! And... looks at time .... very long hehehe. Oopsie. But so fun to film! I hope you enjoy it! It's... very straight forward. I always think I'm just going to generally ramble while I do these types of videos, and I end up being able to literally talk about marker colors for 1.5 hours..... lol c:
    Big shoutout to SouthernASMR Sounds!! I didn't know how I wanted to swatch these until I came across her video where she had a super cool swatching paper :) • ASMR | Testing Colorfu...
    ~ Gibi
    🎵New Spotify tracks every Friday! open.spotify.c...
    And Apple Music!
    AAAND Soundcloud! / gibiasmr
    My upload schedule:
    ►New Spotify audio every Monday
    ►ASMR RUclips Video every Tuesday at 6pm Eastern
    ►ASMR RUclips Video every Thursday at 6pm Eastern
    ►Sponsored ASMR Video Every Saturday at 6pm Eastern
    I donate regularly to The Brain and Behavior Research Foundation. I highly recommend it! They give grants to scientists who do studies to better understand and treat mental illnesses.
    Find me on the internet!
    ►TWITCH/LIVESTREAMING (not ASMR!) / gggibi
    ►TWITTER: / gibiofficial
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    OUTRO by / flashjomm :)
    This video was edited by Shawn, my full-time editor! Give him some love: / mrthevestman

Комментарии • 1,4 тыс.

  • @nonother2634
    @nonother2634 3 года назад +1515

    As an art major it’s oddly comforting to listen to someone else sort and figure out colors for a while. My color theory projects have turned me into an absolute color nerd lol

    • @norsecosmos
      @norsecosmos 2 года назад +8

      Hi one year later 😂 ~
      Anyways there’s ART THEORY?!
      I would die. Lol
      My color sorting would probably cause so much pain to others

    • @onlyhereforpremium
      @onlyhereforpremium Год назад +2

      Most useless major

    • @7bibi89
      @7bibi89 Год назад +14

      ⁠@@onlyhereforpremiumart is everywhere not just museums. open your mind unless u truly just live in an echo chamber

    • @SquirrelCast
      @SquirrelCast 5 месяцев назад

      A 11

    • @m.m8555
      @m.m8555 2 месяца назад +1

      @@onlyhereforpremiummost useless comment

  • @pufftingthecat3188
    @pufftingthecat3188 3 года назад +880

    I like seeing how Gibi sorts out the colors in different ways rather than how I would, it's nice seeing others perspectives

  • @elizabethmartin3831
    @elizabethmartin3831 3 года назад +1008

    I find it so interesting about your opinions on color theory. Honestly I've never had any trouble with it and I'd be more than down to explain it, but my biggest observation (that can be quite quickly seen the video) is shading.
    In color theory, complimentary colors are used to make things darker or lighter by shading the opposite color (this is where the color wheel comes in). For example, if I wanted to give a red ornament some shading, I'd use green to make it more natural since it's very rare to actually have black shaded shadows (trying saying that 5x fast) in nature. But Crayola often shades with non-complimentary colors. For example, instead of getting a darker green by mixing red, they use black. Or even worse, they use a different non-monochromatic color. Biggest example of this is with any green color. That's why they're so hard to organize. Because there's a huge difference between normal greens, dark greens, and turquoise. The dark greens should go into black to finish the gradient, but pick up at the turquoise gradient instead causing a disconnect. Also known as "blue-green weirdos" (btw that's so cute!) Even if it helps or benefits no one, I thought I'd put this out here, I believe there's a chance it can. Love your vids Gibi!

    • @deborahtheassistant71
      @deborahtheassistant71 3 года назад +22


    • @skuncle3036
      @skuncle3036 3 года назад +102

      you've explained it amazingly
      the green to blue thing has bothered me since elementary school, and now I finally have an explanation as to why 😆

    • @elizabethmartin3831
      @elizabethmartin3831 3 года назад +29

      @@skuncle3036 yep! It's bugged me ever since I was a kid too. Trust me, you ain't alone

    • @Evergreen2219
      @Evergreen2219 3 года назад +37

      So if I understand the explanation, this explanation can’t actually “help” in trying to sort the markers because it’s kind of impossible to sort them properly?

    • @TheSammami
      @TheSammami 3 года назад +13

      I always find there are some that just get it and then there is the kid asking what colours you mix to get brown.

  • @Dada00x
    @Dada00x 3 года назад +587

    I thought this was going to be relaxing but seeing you sorting them at the beginning I kept saying « No no no! Yes! No please no » cause I always tend to stick on these details so much 😅 The swatching part tho was a lot more satisfying to watch on my part! Nevertheless amazing video as always ❤️

    • @sophiaswain172
      @sophiaswain172 Год назад

      Lol 😆 🤣 😂 😅😅😂😮

    • @sabrinagernon5421
      @sabrinagernon5421 Год назад +2


  • @kevinmandrile5074
    @kevinmandrile5074 3 года назад +498

    36:25 Gibi: "Although, the journey so far has been quite fun."
    I agree, can't believe how entertaining, relaxing and satisfying this actually is, even better than I thought 😌.

  • @dylansmusic15
    @dylansmusic15 3 года назад +198

    🖍Time Stamps! (My First Time Doing it) 🖍
    0:00 - 3:05 Intro
    3:05 - 30:00 Sorting Colors
    30:00 - 1:33:00 Swatching Colors
    1:33:00 - 1:36:02 Colors in box/outro
    Edit: What is with these replys XD thx for the likes

    • @pogchimp2472
      @pogchimp2472 3 года назад +12

      @@Dedpions you make a good argument

    • @missyoumisa
      @missyoumisa 3 года назад +15

      @@Dedpions bro wtf why are you being so political? This is a place for people to watch and relax and have fun, too political dude. 😕

    • @dinosaurs_2.0
      @dinosaurs_2.0 3 года назад +3

      @@missyoumisa bro stop being so unhealthy you gotta eat more beans

    • @missyoumisa
      @missyoumisa 3 года назад +4

      @@dinosaurs_2.0 bruh wtf why is everyone here being so political? Like my body my choice damn.

    • @dinosaurs_2.0
      @dinosaurs_2.0 3 года назад +2

      @@missyoumisa bro stfu u gotta eat them dino nuggies

  • @RachASMR
    @RachASMR 3 года назад +1838

    Ahhhhh she’s back and it’s not a Saturday. This just made my entire day. I can breathe now. Excited to see what creative video ideas you’ve got coming!

    • @MagiASMR
      @MagiASMR 3 года назад +6

      Hump day suddenly not as bad 🙏🏻

    • @astalavista5328
      @astalavista5328 3 года назад +10

      @@MagiASMR hump day that sounds like something else to me lol what is hump day

    • @chloegym03040
      @chloegym03040 3 года назад +12

      @@astalavista5328 hump day is a term used for the middle of the week usually Wednesday but I guess it could be Tuesday as well if you think about it

    • @astalavista5328
      @astalavista5328 3 года назад +5

      @@chloegym03040 learnt something new thanks for telling me is this a term in America then I'm from a different country and hump here is something completely different

    • @CocoThunder520
      @CocoThunder520 3 года назад +8

      @Jelly Froggie i lowkey thought it was bc of the commercial w the camel

  • @mayapaloma122
    @mayapaloma122 3 года назад +2255

    Am I the only one literally SCREAMING at some of the sorting 😂 this was so relaxing and so infuriating at the same time

    • @Kasialibra
      @Kasialibra 2 года назад +218

      Not me screaming watching Gibi putting warm grey to greens 💀

    • @tiril7276
      @tiril7276 2 года назад +23

      @@Baddie_Besties75 huh

    • @nootdraws
      @nootdraws 2 года назад +81

      @@Baddie_Besties75 don’t think ADHD is the disorder u were looking for

    • @sambranston8994
      @sambranston8994 2 года назад +3

      Yh 100%

    • @LampIighter
      @LampIighter 2 года назад +39

      @@Baddie_Besties75 cringe

  • @ASMRAuralite
    @ASMRAuralite 3 года назад +388

    as someone with ocd, i find these types of sorting, especially by color, videos super helpful when i get anxiety so i’m very excited to watch!

    • @xo.morgann
      @xo.morgann 3 года назад +13

      i was literally going to comment the same thing! lol!

    • @DJKuroh
      @DJKuroh 3 года назад +31

      I love that she talks a lot during too. Really helps distract my brain in addition to the satisfaction of the sorting and sounds.

    • @TheSellot
      @TheSellot 3 года назад +35

      Just wait till she puts the pink with the purples

    • @TodaysASMR.
      @TodaysASMR. 3 года назад +6

      Organisational skills are just👌

    • @aquaria1885
      @aquaria1885 3 года назад

      💯💯💯 same 😌

  • @goatanarchy69
    @goatanarchy69 3 года назад +1044

    watching Gibi put the warm gray into greens is hilarious

    • @MikaelaMiaa
      @MikaelaMiaa 2 года назад +5

      Maybe she’s color blind

    • @sarahheverdeen
      @sarahheverdeen 2 года назад +4


    • @amyrashoji
      @amyrashoji Год назад +7

      @@sarahheverdeen ( 21:56 ) there’s like a grey sort of in the middle of the greens. (On the far right) the 22th marker in the row to be precise starting from the left.

    • @sarahheverdeen
      @sarahheverdeen Год назад +3

      @@amyrashoji ty

    • @ewankerley4840
      @ewankerley4840 Год назад +4

      @@amyrashojithe 22th?

  • @whokilledthesunv4768
    @whokilledthesunv4768 3 года назад +158

    Loved this vid a lot, even if my brain screamed every time she ordered colors in a dark-light-dark way instead of light-dark-darker 😭♥️👌

  • @soph3197
    @soph3197 3 года назад +66

    the fact that this video is so in-depth for such a simple thing makes me so happy

    • @babydoe7504
      @babydoe7504 3 года назад +3

      My favorite kind of videos. And way harder to make than it seems. Rambling to cover open air is an art in itself and Gibi is one of the best.

  • @kid.rose17
    @kid.rose17 3 года назад +70

    genuinely thought I had some how gotten the days mixed up till I remembered I had classes today so it wasn't Saturday ...great video I always find myself rewatching your marker sorting videos 😊

    • @GibiASMR
      @GibiASMR  3 года назад +33

      Hahaha aww welcome to March! 😆

  • @wetwork6553
    @wetwork6553 3 года назад +84

    I will never get tired of Gibi's moments of cracking herself up. It's so honest and endearing. Thank you for another relaxing video!

  • @kevinmandrile5074
    @kevinmandrile5074 3 года назад +603

    Welcome back from your break Gibi! 😄 Tuesdays and Thursdays were not the same without your uploads, they're going to be much better now 😌.

    • @steffensaelens6664
      @steffensaelens6664 3 года назад +13

      I claim my " i was here before the comment blew up" ticket

    • @astalavista5328
      @astalavista5328 3 года назад +5

      Where have you been her break ended weeks ago lol

    • @Emily-xt4xs
      @Emily-xt4xs 3 года назад +5

      I claim my “I was here before this comment blew up” ticket just like ‘Steffen Saelens’ did!!!!

    • @nadiasilvestro9575
      @nadiasilvestro9575 3 года назад +14

      @@astalavista5328 Her break ended today, the video description says "WELCOME BACK TO 3 VIDS A WEEK!!! for a reason.

    • @MagiASMR
      @MagiASMR 3 года назад +2


  • @torikellyreeves
    @torikellyreeves 3 года назад +60

    Gibi I recommend swatching your markers on a seperate peice of paper. And then organize them by color from light to dark values.

  • @shaafiaali1811
    @shaafiaali1811 3 года назад +75

    Marker/Writing sounds and Sorting are both my favorite triggers. That makes this video perfect for me.

  • @glitzandkam
    @glitzandkam 3 года назад +263

    i have NO business being this invested in marker colors LMFAOOO. this was sooo satisfying tho 😩

  • @Lissymcb
    @Lissymcb 3 года назад +268

    I’m currently working on an art project while watching this is the background, thank you gibi!

    • @piqachu
      @piqachu 3 года назад +10

      same! i’m painting a mushroom ✨

    • @TodaysASMR.
      @TodaysASMR. 3 года назад +3

      Hope the project goes well

    • @mereldevisser7086
      @mereldevisser7086 3 года назад +2

      Cool what is it? :)

    • @Lissymcb
      @Lissymcb 3 года назад +2

      @@mereldevisser7086 just painting on random cardboard

    • @Arang28
      @Arang28 3 года назад +2

      Same, doing a bison

  • @clutterbot7279
    @clutterbot7279 3 года назад +22

    The match-up at 20:12 was so satisfying bc I’d spotted that perfect blend beforehand when Gibi was debating about the “blue-green weirdos” of the group 😂

  • @gamer_averi7831
    @gamer_averi7831 3 года назад +33

    Not me watching asmr in the literal afternoons just because I like the tingles
    -also y’all I was waiting for this video

  • @sofiah5628
    @sofiah5628 3 года назад +36

    30:00 color swatching begins
    Great video btw❤️

  • @jossanhietala9639
    @jossanhietala9639 3 года назад +47

    It's currently 12 am and I was just going to bed, absolutely perfect timing! Thank you Gibi 💞

  • @Circean161
    @Circean161 3 года назад +42

    This is the kind of thing I want to do for fun after I get any new markers or pens. Thank you for making me feel less weird ☺️

  • @Sanatic14
    @Sanatic14 3 года назад +139

    I can’t believe the amount of WORK that was put in this video. Thanks Gibi! 😊

  • @chantellynae
    @chantellynae 3 года назад +50

    I just love mouthing out “hey guys, it’s Gibi” when she says it, it’s so relaxing!

  • @weehoo699
    @weehoo699 3 года назад +15

    i remember finding your channel through a marker sorting video now almost 4 years ago :D this is very nostalgic, thanks for still doing this

  • @madisonamd
    @madisonamd 3 года назад +59

    I'm a nerodivergent artist and some of my favorite things are to put things in ROY G BIV order and to swatch art supplies so this is absolute perfection to me!

    • @madisonamd
      @madisonamd 3 года назад +15

      @Melissa Faye I'm sorry you feel that way. It is an actual medical term, sadly it does get thrown around a lot and misused.

  • @gayjayy
    @gayjayy 3 года назад +33

    Crayola has so many in between colours where it can go either way.
    Also, welcome to the world of colours where you can have green yellow browns with a tinge of blue to it.

  • @inabacklistmood3124
    @inabacklistmood3124 3 года назад +10

    I always do black, brown, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, pink and I know a lot of people sort light to dark(or dark to light) but I do it so the color families lead into each other. Excellent video as always.

  • @chennie4849
    @chennie4849 3 года назад +113

    I’m in the middle of a night-before-the-exams study session and this notification gave me the biggest boost of happiness/motivation haha - Can’t wait to listen this whilst I continue! ❤️ thank you so much for your content as always Gibi

    • @bitequation314
      @bitequation314 3 года назад +7

      Best of luck with your exams! Try not to stress too much, and get plenty of rest before the big day.

    • @Kaiden_Elliott
      @Kaiden_Elliott 3 года назад +1

      Good luck on your exam!

    • @antisocialash613
      @antisocialash613 3 года назад +1

      I don't know if you've done them already but good luck! Hope you do/did well

    • @gurll4039
      @gurll4039 3 года назад

      Good luck! 😊

  • @hadyno5706
    @hadyno5706 3 года назад +5

    Please do more of these videos. Organizing of a large number of things I’m currently at the part of you organizing the blues and I’m so relaxed and calm. Dealing with extreme ADHD and being a graphic designer i have an impressively hard time paying attention to something and this video so far has really calmed me down!

  • @LullingLisaASMR
    @LullingLisaASMR 3 года назад +30

    That colour swatch chart is *so* satisfying 😍👌

  • @bloom8888
    @bloom8888 Год назад +9

    that one unemployed friend on a random Tuesday:

  • @FactsASMR1
    @FactsASMR1 3 года назад +54

    I love an old video you did of sorting and testing markers, so this brought back memories of that, great stuff 💖

    • @GibiASMR
      @GibiASMR  3 года назад +24

      Yessss I remember that one! 🥰

    • @Shehram.amp7
      @Shehram.amp7 3 года назад +3

      @@GibiASMR hey

    • @rezcellent
      @rezcellent 3 года назад +1

      @@Shehram.amp7 she don’t wanna talk to you bro

    • @normal_person341
      @normal_person341 3 года назад +2

      @@rezcellent no need to be rude about it.. just saying.

    • @spleens4200
      @spleens4200 2 года назад

      @@normal_person341 he has an NFT picture

  • @isabellasandoval2171
    @isabellasandoval2171 3 года назад +7

    Love love love the sound of putting the marks back in the box, this would be a great video idea for the future! (maybe ultra specific)

  • @struckme3357
    @struckme3357 3 года назад +60

    Gibi sorting colours is both relaxing and comical. Favorite line so far is calling teal the "problem child" XD

  • @arthurhamlin6594
    @arthurhamlin6594 3 года назад +2

    The sorting section is the most effective ASMR I have had in years! The soft spoken slipping into taking to yourself is perfect! ( I think talking to yourself is actually an independent 3rd style of speaking ). And then coupled with the trailing off and not finishing the sentence! Topped off by the indecision, self doubt, double checking... my head was buzzing more than it has for literally a decade. The only thing that would make it better is if the thing being evaluated was a work of the viewer: reviewing a resume, editing an article or school paper, etc. ( don't talk to the viewer, just to yourself about the work ).

    • @inkylabyrinth
      @inkylabyrinth 3 года назад

      I sometimes don’t get tingles if the ASMRtist is speaking to the camera/me. Not sure if it’s the way they are talking or the fact that I can’t fully relax if someone is “paying attention to me”. Interesting to think about.

  • @halfjack1031
    @halfjack1031 3 года назад +19

    17,000 views in 1 hour?!
    I’m so proud of you! You work so hard and have come so far!

  • @Alaaskies
    @Alaaskies Год назад +6

    The very obvious bubblegum pink in the purple is killing me

  • @graciesfunplace9940
    @graciesfunplace9940 3 года назад +22

    The coloring starts at 30:07
    Ps. Don’t know why you would want to skip to the slow because the rest of the sound is still really nice and satisfying😁😁😁

  • @kevinmandrile5074
    @kevinmandrile5074 3 года назад +8

    1:00:26 **marker doesn't work properly**
    Gibi: "Ok, sad 😔, I wonder if they'll send me a replacement marker, I'll be like, I know exactly what color green it is 😆."
    LMAO! I'm actually curious to know what they would do.

  • @wahdin
    @wahdin 3 года назад +40

    Love how Gibi takes some "time off" by posting less videos but makes up for it by making the uploads just as long as the usual amount of videos hehehe

  • @mombun1320
    @mombun1320 3 года назад +1

    An hour+ video? Yes please! Just what I needed in an anxiety filled night 😀 I get so excited when I see new packs of markers, etc in stores too. And I turn 49 😳 this month! Saw a huge pack of sidewalk chalk in Target the other day and had to fight the impulse to buy it as I have no little ones to do that with. I think it's the artists in us that gets us excited like that

  • @worldwide_cruising
    @worldwide_cruising 3 года назад +7

    *Wishing everyone the best sleep of their life after having seen this relaxing video!*

  • @elenibridges
    @elenibridges 3 года назад +1

    when i’m upset i literally watch your videos to cheer myself up. i was crying five minutes ago and now i’m three minutes into this video and i feel much better. thank you gibi 💜

  • @irawhitejr.452
    @irawhitejr.452 Год назад +2

    Still one of my most favorite soft spoken asmr videos, her soft spoken voice along with the soft coloring sounds is perfection 👌🏾

  • @sleepypotato6854
    @sleepypotato6854 3 года назад +12

    “Teal you’re going up here you’re a problem child” that is my favourite line ever I can’t! 😂

  • @calebday07
    @calebday07 3 месяца назад +3

    Time Stamps:
    0:00 - 3:05 Intro
    3:05 - 30:00 Sorting Colors
    30:00 - 1:33:00 Swatching Colors
    1:33:00 - 1:36:02 Colors in box/outro

  • @pinkysistamb
    @pinkysistamb Год назад +1

    Crayola marker caps and the actual color inside the marker are a bit of a trigger for me. I now swatch on scrap paper before I color my pages so I don't have to regret color placement. Good sorting Gibi

  • @8dollars276
    @8dollars276 3 года назад +15

    Her voice is just crazy good. I can't explain it.

    • @logankelley6682
      @logankelley6682 3 года назад +1

      The idea for this video was really satisfying

  • @M00NCHILD57
    @M00NCHILD57 3 года назад +6

    I telework and believe me, even while teleworking one can have a rough day. This came at a perfect time. Just when I walked out my office, I tuned into your video and I snoozed 💤 off and on. You voice is so relaxing. Thanks.

  • @emilynattrass
    @emilynattrass 3 года назад +3

    "All swatched up and no place to go"
    This was an amazing video to watch while working. So soothing and so satisfying!

  • @JadePrivett
    @JadePrivett Год назад +1

    Never in my life have I ever been so angry, calm and confused at the same time but gibi, talented, talented gibi, managed to make me feel these emotions at once.
    Thank you gibi❤

  • @_aesthetic_3984
    @_aesthetic_3984 3 года назад +6

    I just want to say that I definitely don’t have the urge to mess up your markers! I honestly wish I was there to help organize them

  • @starrykailani
    @starrykailani 2 года назад +10

    Beavis and Butt-Head also enjoy ASMR

  • @ASMRBlue
    @ASMRBlue 3 года назад +10

    I love the sounds that markers make! It’s so tingly and reminds me of my childhood!!

  • @nickbillings8668
    @nickbillings8668 3 года назад +19

    As an artist this is relaxing to see this done by someone else. Someone who’s not stressing on running out of a color or looking at the ugly accumulated green they hate. Or freaking out because salmon can go into the orange or pink family. My god, the stresses of marker organization night will make me cringe. Lol. Ok sorry for ranting! U rock girl!! Thanks for the awesome videos!!! Peace from Sacramento!! 🤜🤛🤪 ps…your groups were good!! Lol!

    • @BlueDesert.
      @BlueDesert. 2 года назад

      Thank you for this comment lol ♥️

  • @rektded0003
    @rektded0003 3 года назад +4

    Who would had known the sentence “You make me sleep” in the asmr community was a compliment

  • @dajaasmr
    @dajaasmr 3 года назад

    ugh I love sorting videos they’re so relaxing!

  • @mizukii_21
    @mizukii_21 3 года назад +44

    A creative video, to say the least. I can tell this is going to be awesome!

    • @steffensaelens6664
      @steffensaelens6664 3 года назад +6

      I feel like this comment is gonna get a lot of likes

    • @nabzyman2655
      @nabzyman2655 3 года назад +1

      @@steffensaelens6664 I have the same feeling

    • @nabzyman2655
      @nabzyman2655 3 года назад

      Probably gonna be most like already got 5 likes

    • @steffensaelens6664
      @steffensaelens6664 3 года назад

      @@nabzyman2655 10 now

    • @astalavista5328
      @astalavista5328 3 года назад

      @UC4Oz1uWG2nlVLXo-GLcYykQ congratulations you could now become the king of Prussia

  • @Funkil
    @Funkil 2 года назад +12

    If your here from Beavis and Butthead, I salute you, my good sir.

  • @kenziehurlock
    @kenziehurlock 3 года назад +6

    I got a set of I think 50 of these markers as a kid and I still have most of them. My set came with mostly white like yours, but had maybe 10 black ones that were scented. They're so good. I think it's weird that none of them have names though.

  • @kjames1698
    @kjames1698 3 года назад +2

    Hi Gibi, I’ve been a fan since the beginning of your channel and I always find my self coming back and checking to see how things are going. I love your content and it has brought me so much peace over the years. The other day your 4 million subscriber video popped up on my feed. I want to say I’m so proud of you and can’t wait to see what your future holds.

  • @padfoots_paws
    @padfoots_paws 3 года назад +43

    I completely forgot we were going to go back to 3 videos in March but this was a very pleasant surprise :)

  • @catchingzzzzzz
    @catchingzzzzzz 3 года назад +1

    not sure if anyone else in the comments said this, but the reason the swatches on the box look similar is because most printers can’t replicate certain colors because of the limits of CMYK ink. some of the markers are different but SUPER close, and the printer inks can’t get the differences to stand out enough for the swatches to look different at all
    hope this helped! 😁

  • @RestfulSleepASMR
    @RestfulSleepASMR 3 года назад +9

    Welcome back! This is the perfect video for the start to the middle of the week! Very relaxing as always! 💤

  • @thenamesaaden3710
    @thenamesaaden3710 3 года назад +2

    Wow January and February went by fast! Glad to see the 3 vids a week back!

  • @kellykling6884
    @kellykling6884 3 года назад +6

    "Oh my gosh. I'm upset. I'm calling corporate" over some Crayola markers. A mood. 😂💜

  • @blancarivas6367
    @blancarivas6367 3 года назад

    In @16:01 my ocd was acting stupid lol I was tryna help you out but then it’s relaxing & ocd relieved afterwards. Please keep it going!!!🥰😭😭

  • @kingyoshi1335
    @kingyoshi1335 3 года назад +3

    im new and i never thought that watching someone sort markers could be so entertaining

  • @_StayMi_
    @_StayMi_ 3 года назад +2

    I thought I'm the only one whose inner child gets excited when seeing a box of hundreds of markers xD

  • @haileighballinger2185
    @haileighballinger2185 3 года назад +14

    I loved the markers lined up with the colors. I was wondering how she would keep coloring the boxes after with the markers lined up without messing them up with her hand but that’s just a lefty problem. Righty’s have it easy🤣

    • @meganmclafferty4540
      @meganmclafferty4540 3 года назад +1

      SAME!! I kept forgetting that she wouldn’t be running into markers bc she was writing with her right hand, so weird to see a different writing perspective from above but also so cool!!

    • @jenniferthecloud1475
      @jenniferthecloud1475 2 года назад

      Being a lefty honestly sucks lol it makes life so hard for no reason

  • @betseywoods
    @betseywoods 3 года назад +2

    I LOVE art/office supply videos

  • @lizdon3591
    @lizdon3591 3 года назад +3

    Wow it’s been two months already??? I’m so glad you’re back but I also hope you had a wonderful break and got everything you needed to do done 💗

  • @conmor_
    @conmor_ Год назад +1

    This feels like a just chatting stream and I'm here for it 😂❤

  • @Dhampierss
    @Dhampierss 3 года назад +3

    as an artist this was one of the most painful videos to watch lmaoo!

  • @stellamathis7349
    @stellamathis7349 3 года назад +1

    I just sat down wanting to watch a RUclips vid but you know I’m addicted of watching gibi asmr and then I did not even mean to fall asleep

  • @dewaldmaritz2320
    @dewaldmaritz2320 3 года назад +4

    I’ve never been so interested in seeing if there really are 100 different colours in a box.

  • @t.t.o_o
    @t.t.o_o 3 года назад

    The sound of the tapping and scratching box and markers is amazing! Thank you so much!

  • @alienbaby_9003
    @alienbaby_9003 3 года назад +4

    I feel like there should be another sheet of paper with the fixed "mistakes" lol like even if it's just a picture I would be so happy because some of these colors next to each other drove me crazy😂 I think it would be nice if everyhing was colored in like the snake you were talking about! I still enjoyed the sounds though

  • @CammieBuckeye
    @CammieBuckeye 3 года назад +2

    I was so relaxed listening to this, just hanging out, chilling. And then you said color theory class and my brain record scratched lol. I had immediate flashbacks to art classes in college and I'm with you. Color theory classes broke me. Haha. But seriously, I love these sorting and classifying videos and then the color swatch coloring was just the icing on the cake. Brilliant video. Thanks Gibi!

  • @SlumberlandWhispers
    @SlumberlandWhispers 3 года назад +7

    This is so so satisfying to watch 💆‍♀️I hope you enjoyed your well-deserved break ✨

  • @positivityindarknessasmr
    @positivityindarknessasmr Год назад +1

    Loved this video ❤ it makes all the difference having the swatch boxes too. Also love southern sounds asmr ❤

  • @LillyTealeaf
    @LillyTealeaf Год назад +3

    I totally understand her sorting. I sort colors by hues, groups, and categories, so my organization looks like absolute insanity to most people.

  • @phobiaphantom5677
    @phobiaphantom5677 3 года назад +2

    I love the last sorting pens and markers video that she did

  • @tonytriggersasmr
    @tonytriggersasmr 3 года назад +4

    Marker sounds can be so relaxing and love the hoodie with multi colors too lol thanks for the video

  • @dkhr0757
    @dkhr0757 3 года назад +2

    this videos energy is so good. The calm in her voice and the nice colors in the background with the just getting into intro plus gibi looks very pretty today (I wanna say as usual, but I feel kinda rude doing that); everything here just makes it such a nice video!!

    • @juliabelcher7790
      @juliabelcher7790 3 года назад

      And her nails and nail polish are beautiful in this one.

  • @blairemalfoy9588
    @blairemalfoy9588 3 года назад +3

    She's just talking to us and herself but its sooooooo relaxing like we can just hear her thinking prosess. 😁

  • @Zenny2905
    @Zenny2905 3 года назад +1

    Everyone else watching the video to fall asleep 😴
    Me watching the video while simultaneously trying to fall asleep but stay awake until the end watch the color assortment and the swatches and read the funny comment section 🙃

  • @Frillypearl
    @Frillypearl 3 года назад +4

    Yay this is posted at the perfect time for me in the UK to put this on while I fall asleep ♡

  • @rachelherr3494
    @rachelherr3494 3 года назад

    this type of sound became one of my favorites after your video of testing all your old markers. i’m so glad there’s another video i can enjoy!! ❤️

  • @PrismaLoveHypnosis
    @PrismaLoveHypnosis 3 года назад +5

    💜💜💜This truly is so satisfying! I love when satisfying visuals are paired with ASMR! Your color sorting is so nice and pleasant, it gives me ideas for my own videos 🥰️❤️️❤️️❤️️

  • @juliapaulasa6172
    @juliapaulasa6172 3 года назад

    my favorite asmr video EVER was the marker tests you did years ago. so glad we’re getting a part two thank youuu:))

  • @kevinmandrile5074
    @kevinmandrile5074 3 года назад +8

    I love how Gibi keeps making long videos by accident 😆, cause I've just watched almost 2 hours of markers being sorted and used and time simply flew by, so satisfying 😌.

  • @tankwallin1420
    @tankwallin1420 3 года назад +1

    i was just watching the old color testing videos the last two nights this is perfect!

  • @lucas_m_777
    @lucas_m_777 3 года назад +5

    Ayy WELCOME BACK to regular schedule Gibi!! Glad the break was beneficial for you. Another hour long vid too LETSS GOO 🙌

  • @inspireme714
    @inspireme714 2 года назад

    This video has definitely been a go to for me lately! So tingly and relaxing!!
    I feel like the sorting was solely done based on the caps where now i wonder if the sorting would be any different by what the color swatches as? I’d love to see a part two on sorting by swatch rather than by cap😊

  • @aliyahmurray2167
    @aliyahmurray2167 3 года назад +9

    oh my gosh was not expecting this good news today!!!! so happy you are back Tuesdays have not been the same girllll I have missed your videos!!!! exited to see all the new video ideas

  • @niamhmcp7548
    @niamhmcp7548 Месяц назад

    this is such an old video but i’ve come back to watch it and fell asleep THREE nights in a row 😭 i just wanna see the damn swatches